Structured Day Program

Millview’s Structured Day Program is designed specifically to suit survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury and individuals with a disability from ages 18 and up. These individuals must be medically stable and independent in personal care and medication in order to attend. (Structured Day Program Staff can offer supervision and oversight to individuals plus PCA assistance with toileting.) The program will enhance functional independent living skills, offer behavioral support, provide socialization opportunities as well as community integration.

The Structured Day Program’s calendar of events provides individuals with a wide range of opportunities to enhance vocational and cognitive skills, as well as provides opportunities for leisure activities, exercise, numerous support groups run by skilled professionals, outings into the community, and socialization with peers with similar disabilities.

Millview Structured Day Program is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. as well as some weekend hours for special events. Please call (518) 250-4224 for additional information or to schedule a tour.